
Dry eyes – Causes, treatment, and more

Dry eyes – Causes, treatment, and more

When your eyes cannot produce the lubrication needed for normal functioning, it results in dry eyes. Interference in any one of the three layers of your eyes – fatty oils, aqueous fluid, or mucus – triggers dry eyes symptoms. Your eyes may experience discomfort, itchiness, and irritability. Proper medication and treatment bring comfort and reduce the symptoms drastically. Read on to find out about the causes, symptoms, treatments, and home remedies for dry eyes.

Causes of dry eyes
Dry eyes are caused when something interferes with the normal functioning of the tear film. Listed below are some of the reasons for dry eyes:

  • Decreased production of tears
  • Increased evaporation of tears
  • Side effects of a particular medication
  • Blinking less often
  • Bad environment
  • Allergic reactions

Signs and symptoms of dry eyes

Here are some signs and symptoms of dry eyes. If you experience any of these, contact your doctor immediately:

  • A stinging sensation in your eyes
  • Burning
  • Eye fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Itching
  • Watery eyes
  • Redness
  • A feeling that something’s stuck in your eyes

Treatment for dry eyes
Usually, dry eyes stem from underlying health issues. Managing such problems can improve or put an end to the condition. Several prescription medications are used to treat the condition. If you experience dry eyes due to another medication reaction, speak to your doctor about it.

  • Eye drops
    Eye drops that contain immune-suppressing properties can treat dry eyes. They can cure inflammation on the surface as well as inside your eyes.
  • Inflammation-reducing medication
    Doctors may prescribe medication like antibiotics in the form of tablets, ointments, or eye drops. This helps reduce inflammation and cease problems related to oil secretion.
  • Medication to stimulate tears
    Your tear production is generally limited due to dry eyes. Therefore, doctors may prescribe medicines to improve and induce the production of tears.
  • Eye inserts
    Implants are added when the eyes cannot produce tears naturally. This helps build better quality tears.
  • Plastic surgery
    Sometimes, dry eyes might be the result of outward eyelids. Plastic surgery can help fix this problem. If this is your case, the doctor may refer you to a plastic surgeon.

Natural remedies for dry eyes

  • Give your eyes a break

Using electronic devices for a long time reduces your blink rate and overexposes the eyes to light, leading to dry eyes. Take a break every time you use electronic devices so that your eyes get the rest they need.

  • Reduce the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes
    Drinking alcohol can cause dehydration, and the toxins present in cigarette smoke are bad for your eyes. For better eye and overall health, it is advisable to stay away from alcohol or cigarettes.
  • Increase your water intake

Water benefits your eyes and body in different ways. It lubricates the eyes, produces tears, and improves blinking. Drinking eight cups of water every day can avoid vision and overall health problems.

  • Warm compresses
    Use a warm compress on your eyes, and rise with baby shampoo. This releases some oil from the glands in your eyes, improving the quality of your tears.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
    Omega-3 fatty acids are found in oily fish, nuts, flax seeds, as well as prescription supplements. These acids reduce the symptoms of dry eyes and improve their functioning.

Diet plan for dry eyes

What you eat plays a significant role in eye health. Include these foods in your diet to help reduce dry eyes symptoms:

  • Green vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Olive oil
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Fatty fish
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Oatmeal
  • Green tea

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