Health Conditions

Simple remedies to effectively manage COPD symptoms

Simple remedies to effectively manage COPD symptoms

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affects the vital tissues in the lungs that support fresh oxygen absorption. The disease triggers inflammation of these tissues and interrupts airflow to the lungs, affecting a person’s respiratory abilities. The condition is chronic, but in most cases, treatable. Doctors often suggest combining medications, treatments, and lifestyle changes to manage the discomforts in the long run.

Medications for COPD
Prescription medications help treat cough, wheezing, breathing problems, and pressure in the chest. Doctors usually recommend a course of short or long-acting bronchodilators, corticosteroids, methylxanthines, mucoactive medications, and antibiotics to fight the infection. Most medications help counter the inflammation of the nasal passage to improve the airflow to the lungs.

Treatment options
COPD treatments vary depending on the severity of the symptoms and the extent of the diagnosis.

  • Rehabilitation
    Severe lung diseases like COPD are chronic. So treatment and rehabilitation become a routine part of one’s life. Specialists refer patients to pulmonary rehabilitation programs that combine educational resources, advice for proper nutrition, exercise, and even counseling. Rehabilitation helps improve the quality of life.
  • Supplemental oxygen therapy
    If vital internal organs don’t get enough oxygenated blood, they won’t perform at optimal capacity, and the eventual deterioration in health can start affecting one’s daily routine. Supplemental oxygen therapy is done regularly to ensure a fresh oxygen supply to support daily bodily functions necessary for survival.
  • Surgery
    In rare COPD cases, patients cannot breathe independently. Doctors may perform a surgical procedure to repair the lungs and restore their function of absorbing fresh oxygen.

Natural remedies for COPD relief
Several effective lifestyle changes can help a person manage mild to moderate discomforts at home.

  • De-stress
    Stress severely impacts the mental ability of a person trying to manage severe medical conditions. COPD patients should avoid taking any stress and should not be compelled to feel anxious. Panic attacks and anxiety can worsen breathing difficulties, thus increasing the discomforts.
  • Stay active
    Exercise improves the body’s metabolic response and also releases feel-good hormones that help reduce mental fatigue. Water-based activities like aqua walking and swimming are comparatively easier than walking, running, and jogging. Exercise improves lung function and promotes fitness to boost immunity.
  • Manage a healthy weight
    COPD may also trigger health complications arising from sleep apnea, diabetes, and certain gastroesophageal reflux diseases. Maintaining a healthy weight by monitoring daily calorie intake, eating healthy foods, and focusing on proper nutrition helps manage COPD symptoms.

Diet for COPD
The following foods should form part of one’s daily diet for better COPD management.

  • Protein-rich foods sourced from grass-fed meats, pastured poultry, and oilfish
  • Complex carbohydrates high in fiber to promote better digestion
  • Fresh fruits and non-starchy vegetables
  • Potassium-rich foods to counter breathing problems caused due to the deficiency
  • A selection of healthy fats taken from assorted nuts, oils, fatty fish, and dairy

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