
Laser hair removal – All your burning questions answered

Laser hair removal – All your burning questions answered

Dealing with unwanted hair on a regular basis takes up a lot of time, so it’s good if you want to look beyond plucking, shaving, and waxing. Thankfully, we have laser hair removal. It’s a very effective and nearly painless way of giving a sleeker look to your skin. For those who are finally thinking about investing their money in a laser hair removal treatment, here is everything you need to know about it.

What is the science behind laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a specialized treatment that removes unwanted hair from your body, leaving a smoother texture than waxing or shaving. The procedure works by targeting the pigment in individual hair with a laser. The light from the hand-held laser device travels down the shaft of the hair and reaches the hair follicle. The heat from the laser energy damages the hair follicle so that it becomes incapable of growing hair again. Generally, the best results are observed in individuals with darker hair and lighter complexions because darker hair absorbs laser more effectively.

Hair growth occurs in cycles, and not every hair follicle is at the same phase of the cycle in a given time. This means you will require multiple treatments to get the hair in the growth phase, so that each hair follicle is destroyed by the laser.

What areas should you consider for laser treatment?

While laser hair removal works on any part of the body, here are some of the most common areas where men and women desire smoother, hairless skin.

  • Face
    Most women want to get rid of hair from the upper lip, chin, or sides of the face. Even men who prefer a hairless facial appearance opt for laser hair removal.
  • Bikini line
    Since the bikini line is a very sensitive area, waxing, shaving, or other hair removal techniques cause pain and rashes. Moreover, it needs to be done regularly. Laser hair removal is the best way to deal with this intimate area in a painless way, and the effect lasts longer too.
  • Legs
    Laser hair removal gives a glossy look to the legs, which women usually prefer.
  • Chest
    Most men today do not like having chest hair, and laser removal is the least painful way to remove chest hair.
  • Back
    Just like chest hair, men usually hate having extra hair on their backs.

How to prepare for the treatment?

Once you’ve decided the areas of the body you want to remove the hair from, it’s time to get ready for the treatment. To get the most satisfying post-treatment appearance, you might want to consider doing the following things before getting the treatment.

  • Avoid the sun
    A tan not only increases the risk of skin discoloration, but it may also lead to excessive pain and blistering post-treatment. Doctors usually recommend avoiding the sun for at least two weeks before the laser hair removal procedure. This also means that you need to avoid UV rays from tanning beds, and refrain from applying self-tanning creams and lotions. If the area being treated cannot be covered while you’re out in the sun, make sure that you apply sunscreen to protect it from tanning. Look for a sunscreen with a minimum SPF rating of 30. If you already have a tan, wait until it fades completely before you make an appointment for laser hair removal.
  • Don’t pluck or wax

When you wax or pluck your hair, you are removing it from the root. Since the science behind laser hair removal technique is targeting the root of the hair, the presence of the root is a must for the treatment to work successfully.

  • Shave the area
    Although you’re not allowed to pluck or wax the area being treated, shaving is okay, because it keeps the hair shaft and follicle intact. After shaving, the hair may not be visible to your eyes, but the laser can easily target the pigment in the root. Typically, doctors ask patients to shave the treatment area 24 to 48 hours before the treatment day, as it significantly lowers the chances of skin burn with the hair. Make sure to use a fresh razor to avoid the risk of contact dermatitis after the treatment is completed.
  • Don’t use bleach

By now, you understand well that laser hair removal works by targeting the roots. But when you bleach your hair, it removes the pigment that is necessary to absorb the laser energy and destroy the follicle. This is why it’s important to stop bleaching six weeks before the treatment. Six weeks is enough time for the hair roots to regrow in their natural color.

  • Avoid using certain skin-care products

The ingredients in some skincare creams and lotions can affect the results after the treatment. So, you may be asked to stop using these products before the appointment, especially the ones containing alpha hydroxy acid, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide. You should use only soap and water to cleanse the skin area that is to be treated. Also, on the day of your laser hair removal session, ensure to not apply any creams and lotions.

  • Discuss medications with your doctor

It’s crucial that your doctor is aware of all the medications that you are using, both oral and topical. This includes antibiotics, birth control pills, acne pills, and photosensitizing medications. It’s important because some medications can make your skin sensitive and they may burn or blister easily. Medications can also interfere with the treatment, making it less effective. Depending on the medications you’re taking, your doctor may need to adjust the treatment to ensure that you don’t face any trouble during and after laser hair removal.

  • Wear the right clothes

After the treatment is done, the doctor may immediately apply a soothing topical cream to the treated area. If you do not want to get this cream on the clothing, make sure to wear clothes that leave the area exposed or are of loose fitting. Also, sometimes the skin can become sensitive after treatment, so you may want to avoid wearing tight or abrasive clothing.

What to do after the treatment?
Once your laser treatment is successfully completed, it is mostly up to you to make sure that you do not face any kind of discomfort in the treated area. Here are a few things you should do to achieve this:

  • Use a cold compress

Redness and bumps in the treated area are quite normal immediately after the treatment, and there is no need to worry about it. These may go away on their own in a few hours, but if they continue to irritate you for longer, you can use a cold compress on them. If you notice any crusting, ask your laser professional about an antibiotic cream that would be good for your skin. Generally, the sensitivity of the skin after the treatment lasts longer in people with darker-pigmented skin.

  • Avoid hot showers

As your skin becomes sensitive after the treatment, hot showers can cause burns or blisters in the treated area. So, it’s recommended that you don’t take a hot shower for at least two days following the treatment. This includes avoiding using hot tubs or saunas. Heating pads can also cause redness and irritation, so skip that too. It’s best for your skin to be cleansed with cold water right after the laser process to avoid any pain and irritation.

  • Exfoliate the skin

It’s normal to observe a lot of hair shedding from the treated area after the procedure. It takes hair follicles anywhere from five to 30 days to get completely destroyed and fall out. You might also be surprised to notice new hair growth in the area; however, you must remember that these are only dead hair pushing their way out of the follicles. To speed up this shedding process and help the hair come out easily, you can try exfoliating the skin for the next 30 days. Gently wiping the treated area in a circular motion with a washcloth and a scrub wash multiple times in a week will help accelerate the hair shedding process.

  • Treat the area gently

Until all the laser treatment sessions are completed, you must avoid picking or scratching the treatment area. Also, do not apply any other hair removal products on the skin as it can prevent you from achieving the desired results. If you want to remove hair from the treated area, only consider shaving. Additionally, immediately after the laser hair removal treatment, the lasered area must be washed gently with a mild soap, and the skin must be kept dry.

  • Continue avoiding the sun

Excess exposure to sunlight can irritate the skin, especially immediately after the treatment. Some people also notice severe burns if they expose themselves to UV rays of the sun for long. Doctors usually recommend avoiding sunlight for about two months to reduce the risk of developing dark or light spots on the treated area. So, cover your skin well after each laser session is over, and remember to always apply sunscreen before you leave home each day till the treatment is fully completed.

How many treatment sessions do you need?

The total number of sessions needed varies from person to person as everyone has a different amount of hair and a different hair growth rate. The reason why a person needs several treatment sessions is because hair growth happens in a cycle. At any given time, all the hair in your body is at different phases of this cycle—while some are shedding, others have just started growing. The doctor sets your appointment date at such intervals that all hair follicles in the treatment area are ultimately targeted by the laser and destroyed.

Typically, to get rid of all your unwanted hair in any given area, it takes anywhere between four to six laser hair removal sessions. Having said that, some areas of the body may need more than six sessions to completely remove the hair. The good news is that four to six sessions are enough for most areas, such as legs, underarms, the face, and the bikini line.

Lastly, the number of sessions also depend on the results you want to achieve. If a person only wants to reduce the amount of hair and not get rid of all of it, they may require fewer treatment sessions.

Is laser hair removal really permanent?

If you’re planning to spend a lot of money on laser hair removal, it’s better to be clear about what you’re getting at the end. The short answer is no. Laser hair removal is not exactly permanent. To understand this, let’s revisit the science behind this procedure. The treatment involves heating the hair follicles by laser energy so that no new hair grows again. The laser, in reality, puts the targeted hair follicles in a dormant stage for an unusually long time. The next time when these hair grow, they will be finer and their density would be less in the treated area. Even though a person cannot completely get rid of all their hair follicles, laser reduces the number of healthy follicles by almost 90 percent—which is a very good result, and the reason why most people choose to undergo laser.

Are there any risks associated with the procedure?

Generally, laser hair removal is a safe procedure and is not linked to any long-term side effects. However, some people may experience only minor and temporary side effects. These include redness, irritation, crusting, changes in skin color, burns, and blisters. Additionally, you must know that protecting your eyes from the laser is very important. Always have your protective goggles on when the laser is in process. It is also recommended that you visit a certified dermatologist to get the treatment done as it is the best way to avoid any serious problems.

Pregnancy can bring about growth of extra hair in unwanted places, but experts recommend women to not undergo laser hair removal while they’re pregnant. Although there are no known risks associated with it, no study has been done that proves laser hair removal is safe for pregnant women. Also, women must know that all these unwanted hair fall off on their own after pregnancy, so they don’t really need the treatment.

Is the treatment painful?

It is normal to feel some discomfort during the procedure, which can be a little painful. The level of discomfort or pain you will feel mostly depends on the part of the body you are getting lasered. Laser hair removal can be moderately painful in sensitive areas like underarms, bikini lines, and upper lips. That said, it is far less painful than waxing.

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